We've been sent some more fantastic images of recent events. Big thanks go out to Matt Melnyk, Charlotte Bragg, Olivier Du Tr�, Craig McAteer, Jeff Lucas, Derek Mellott, Jen Alston, Zoltan Kenwell, Bill Allen and Bert Crowfoot.
 We've been sent some great pictures of the storm that hit on February 18th. Thanks to Charlotte Bragg and Chris Ratzlaff!
Apologies to Bill Trout for altering his original image for Valentine's Day! ;-)
As if to top off Valentine's Day we were treated to a great show of the Northern Lights last night! We've been sent some great pictures and movies of the event. Thanks to Bill Trout, Jeff Wallace, Matt Melnyk, Chris Ratzlaff, Olivier Du Tr�, Zoltan Kenwell (movies) and Rick Sobierajski.
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